Editorial and Advertising
Zodiac Card Designs for Rest of World
Zodiac Card Designs for Rest of World
For Mother Jones Magazine on “Why We Hate Women’s Voices — and how I reclaimed mine.”
For MIT Technology Review, “When my dad got sick, I started googling grief. Then the algorithm wouldn't let me escape it.”
For Texas Monthy on Magician, Eric Chien
For MIT Technology Review, "The Algorithm Around Us"
for ZIET Magazin, on writer Juliane Schiemenz who discovered that she is related to a witch who lived in the 16th century, Sidonia von Borcke.
for ZIET Magazin, on writer Juliane Schiemenz who discovered that she is related to a witch who lived in the 16th century, Sidonia von Borcke.
for ZIET Magazin, on writer Juliane Schiemenz who discovered that she is related to a witch who lived in the 16th century, Sidonia von Borcke.
for ZIET Magazin, on writer Juliane Schiemenz who discovered that she is related to a witch who lived in the 16th century, Sidonia von Borcke.
For the New York Times - "Attack of the 50-Foot A.I." Is artificial intelligence really on the brink of sapience? Should we be afraid?
For The Markup, “Suicide Hotlines Promise Anonymity. Dozens of Their Websites Send Sensitive Data to Facebook"
For The Baffler, "The Fourth Person" by Adam Cavanaugh, where "a clerk is tasked with recording the decay of a three-hundred-year-old man."
For Washington Post, "In Grim Times, Art Finds a Way"
For New York Times Opinion, "Lets all Take a Deep Breath about China"
Cover Art for Producer Minnesota's "Bicycle Day" 2022
Album Cover for "All Smokes No Mirrors"
New Yorker Cover (killed, due to 2024 election results) Kamala Harris Portrait
Project for Switch Creative advertising the release of CNN+
For Reactor Magazine, "I'll Miss Myself" a short story by John Wiswell
"We Will Meet in a Hologram of Love" Poster for the indie film "Corridor"
For The New York Times on "5 Things We Know About Flying This Summer" Post-Pandemic 2021
For New York Times, "The Era of Happy Silicon Valley Tech Workers is Over"
Cover, Back, and Interior Flaps for Astra Magazine, second edition - "Filth"
For The New Yorker - The Sterile Spectacle of “Dune: Part Two”
Cover, Back, and Interior Flaps for Astra Magazine, second edition - "Filth"
Guitar pick designed for People Places Records
Album Artwork for composer Erich Barganier, "Geisslerlieder"
"The 5 Stages of Human Decomposition"
For Milwaukee Magazine, "Is this the last chance to save the Domes?"
For The Baffler, illustrating a fiction "Natural Man," by Levi Dunning, where "a heroin user trying to kick the habit is being pursued by targeted Deepfake ads of his father, who is a cowboy."
“How AI can help us understand how cells work — and cure diseases” for MIT Technology Review
Music Covers for Producer Yppah "By Then It'll Be Too Late"
For Composer Paolo Marchettini's Album "Ebony Chats"
For the New York Times, "Why The Tonys Need a Best Ensemble Award"
For ProPublica, about the corroded water system in Jackson Mississippi. “Beneath the city of Jackson, Mississippi, is a Rube Goldberg-esque network of pipes that brings water to residents. That system is unusually complex; by some estimates, it is twice as long as it should be for a city of this size. Some parts are more than 100 years old; much of it is in disrepair.”
For Mother Jones: The Abortion Pill’s Secret Money Men: The untold story of the private equity investors behind Mifeprex.
For Mother Jones: The Abortion Pill’s Secret Money Men: The untold story of the private equity investors behind Mifeprex.
Cover Art for Producer Minnesota's "Bicycle Day" 2021
Art for the new release of Adobe Fresco, 2022
For Art of the Title, portrait of Gretchen Felker-Martin - the author of many horror books such as "Manhunt" and "Cuckoo"
For Mother Jones: The Abortion Pill’s Secret Money Men: The untold story of the private equity investors behind Mifeprex.
For WIRED Magazine on “Can Democracy Include a World Beyond Humans? A truly planetary politics would extend decisionmaking to animals, ecosystems, and potentially AI."
For the New York Times Opinion, "Is Communist China Coming for Your Turkey, Too?"
For VinePair on “How Big Data & Tech are Infiltrating the Alcohol Industry”
For VinePair on “Will We Ever See a Celebrity Bartender on the Level of Gordon Ramsay or David Chang?”
Interior for The New Scientist magazine on "What is Consciousness?"
Cover for The New Scientist magazine on "What is Consciousness?"
Interior for The New Scientist magazine on "What is Consciousness?"
Animated Album cover for Nate McManus, Dorian Mood “Uninstall”
For The New Republic, Can Religion Give You PTSD? Meet the “exvangelicals” seeking therapy for religious trauma.
For Think:Act Magazine - 3 individual spot illustrations based on the risks involved when being an entrepreneur.
For Hire a Helper: 2024 Study: ‘Brain Drain’? The States With the Largest Net Gains and Losses of College-Educated Americans
For The Girlfriend, "New Years Resolutions for 2023"
The Problem with Amazon’s Plan to Identify Emotions Is That Faces Lie
"The Benefits of Meditation"
for WIRED magazine, celebrating the new Matrix Movie in 2022
Music Cover for Brooklyn College, 2022
Cover for Chilango Magazine, Mexico, Mental Health Edition
Interior for Chilango Magazine, Mexico, Mental Health Edition
Interior for Chilango Magazine, Mexico, Mental Health Edition
For Medium, "CRISPR Could Protect Us Against the Next Chernobyl — And Prep Us for Space Travel
"I Dont Want Love" - Spirit of Anima, Chillhop Records
For AARP, The Girlfriend - about the benefits of getting good sleep.
For Medium, previewing the book "Agency" by William Gibson
Music Covers for Producer Yppah "By Then It'll Be Too Late"
Album Cover for N-So, Producer Nick Angeloni
Music Covers for Producer Yppah "By Then It'll Be Too Late"
The Public Eye 2018 Cover
"What We Consume Matters"
For AARP, The Girlfriend - about Friendship